Press Releases for Best Cancer Hospital in India

  • 705

    Clinical Radiation Oncology Training at Mannheim Medical Centre, Germany

    Dharamshila Hospital And Research Centre has recently acquired a new Elekta Synergy Linear Accelerator capable of IMRT, IGRT, SRS, SRT and SBRT. Mannheim Medical Centre, Germany is affiliated to University of Heidelberg, Germany, the oldest university of Germany.

    By : | 06-18-2011 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 705

  • 748

    Dharamshila Cancer Hospital focuses on Cervical Cancer

    Cancer cervix is the commonest cancer among Indian women, every hour it kills almost eight Indian women. It is caused by HPV infection, a common sexually transmitted viral infection.

    By : | 05-13-2011 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 748

  • 661

    Breast Cancer-Breast Conservation Is A Possibility

    In India, nearly 50 per cent of breast cancer patients present with locally advanced disease. The main reasons for this late presentation are illiteracy, poverty, lack of awareness, feeling of shame, ignorance coupled with lack of health education.

    By : | 04-28-2011 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 661

  • 787

    Dharamshila Cancer Hospital in India pioneers in performing challenging Head and Neck Cancer Surgery

    Department of Surgical Oncology at Dharamshila Hospital Research Centre has achieved another pioneering step by performing challenging Head and Neck Cancer Surgeries.

    By : | 04-07-2011 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 787